A fost publicată lista furnizorilor de servicii de formare pentru securitate cibernetică
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Campaign Scam aimed at iPhone users

Popularity 1016

Romanian users of Apple's services are targeted for a specific campaign Scam (Phishing) via the Safari browser. More specifically, the opening Safari, users see a message that are announced that are brought accusations about the fact that they "viewed / stored / distributed pornography prohib ... Read more ->

Popularity 1030


Juniper: Multiple vulnerabilities in ScreenOS (CVE-2015-7755, CVE-2015-7756)

Popularity 976

Specialists of the company Juniper have identified a sequence of unauthorized code within the source code of the operating system ScreenOS, which can allow a  potential attacker to gain access and control over the devices NetScreen, respectively decrypting the connection type VPN. Description & ... Read more ->

Ransomware: [email protected]

Popularity 1057

Recently, users of the Rom yesterday;nia is faced with a new threat, cyber-type ransomware, which, once it succeeds in infecting a system, encrypts the files stored on it and displays a message that prompts users to pay a bounty for de-encrypting them. Encrypted files have an extension as amended wh ... Read more ->

Popularity 958
